We have updated our Guide To Startup Sales Tools! Check out our second edition – The 2015 Ultimate Guide To Startup Sales Tools.
The first edition of the Bowery Capital Guide To Startup Sales Tools is live. Let us know what you think: @bowerycapital and @picnoulos!
Here at Bowery Capital, we accelerate our portfolio companies’ growth by focusing squarely on support around early customer acquisition. We’ve helped many B2B startups build & scale sales teams and know that sometimes you need the right tools to win. So we thought it would be helpful to aggregate some of our team’s and founders’ learnings around early-stage sales tools that actually work. We hope startups will find this resulting guide to be helpful and maybe also learn a thing or two about how Bowery Capital thinks about B2B startups.
In the coming weeks, I’ll be releasing a set of blog posts walking you through how we view the landscape of sales tools (from pre- to post-sales) and what we think a founders’ key considerations should be in evaluating each. I’d also point out that the Bowery team is not only on the demand side of the equation (e.g. using these tools directly ourselves or seeing our startups do so), but also the “supply” side, in the sense that we invest in and help grow B2B business software businesses. So I’ll also provide a view on trends in the sales software market and where we feel it’s headed as the next generation of CROs looks to build a more powerful toolkit.
Finally, I’d like to emphasize that while we’ve worked hard on this first cut of the guide, we’d love for it to be a living document that can grow / improve over time. To that end, please reach out via Twitter, LinkedIn or email with any feedback. Think we messed up a price point? Hate a pro or a con? Feel we’re missing your favorite tool or startup? Please let us know so we can fold your thoughts into the next update!