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Opportunities in Vertical Software v5.0

MB Headshot 2

Michael Brown

LS Headshot

Loren Straub

October 27, 2022
Vertical Software Report

We are sharing the 5th edition of our Opportunities in Vertical Software report. We released our first edition of this report in 2014. The document includes our point of view on various industries, the positives and concerns, the industry leaders, software spend metrics, funding activity, investors, and key trends.

Many of the industries highlighted have continued to see the effects of the pandemic since the last report we published. Across the board, we have witnessed a slight increase in IT spend due to the pandemic revealing issues with legacy systems. This has led to innovation and an accelerated transition to the cloud.

We will be following up in the coming weeks on the blog with deeper thoughts on each vertical so be sure to look out for those!

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