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BC Startup Sales Podcast – Beating Legacy Incumbents with Zack Kass (Mixpanel)

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Michael Brown

December 04, 2020
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beating legacy incumbentsZack Kass from Mixpanel joined us in the studio this week to chat about the topic of “Beating Legacy Incumbents” and how to build yourself up to sell into large enterprises. Check out the stream above or better yet head on over to iTunes and make sure you subscribe to the podcast to get all our new content each week. It is no surprise that there is a war going on out there between old school software vendors and the new breed of SaaS startups. It is only a matter of time before you go whale hunting. But how do you look bigger than you really are in the early days? Beating legacy incumbents is no easy game, and Zack came on to really dig in to how to package an enterprise solution before your business offers true enterprise features or services. Zack has a wealth of experience on the topic of beating legacy incumbents from CrowdFlower (BPO incumbents) to Shyp (Logistics incumbents) and now Mixpanel (Analytics incumbents). Beating legacy incumbents is his game and he weaves a great narrative in the podcast focused around how to really win in the market against big competitors.

We personally love this topic as it comes up a ton with our own portfolio companies and it also was one of the most requested topics this past week from friends who are starting to sell into the F500. If you find yourself thinking about questions like “how do I close my first big deal” or “how do I beat Oracle or IBM” or “when can we start selling into the F500” then this podcast is for you. Give a listen now and check out some of our other podcasts below!

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