Ryan Burke from InVision joined us in the studio today to talk about “Building Winning Remote Sales Teams.” Ryan is currently the VP of Sales at InVision and is the man credited with setting up and growing their fully remote sales organization. We’ve talked a bit it before about selling SaaS from the outpost but never dug into detail on exactly how to set up and build a fully remote sales team. For those that don’t know much about the product, InVision gives teams the freedom to prototype, review, iterate, manage, and user test web and mobile products without a single line of code and all in one place. Today they count over 1.5MM designers and companies like Evernote, Adobe, Twitter, Salesforce, and Viacom as customers. The InVision sales and support team today is north of 30 people with AEs, SDRs, CS staff, and more stretching from Hawaii to Boston. Ryan walked listeners through the early days of InVision and how he was initially a bit averse to taking this approach to setting up a sales organization.
He talked listeners through the set up of the sales stack and how it tends to be a bit different in remote environments. Something pretty unique was Ryan’s focused approach to hiring and learning management to ensure the success of every person in the sales organization given the lack of proximity. When you can’t walk over to someone’s desk it is really important early on to get this right. Ryan also talked about the cost side of setting up a remote sales team and when to do this (and not do this) in the context of your SaaS organization. Finally, Ryan shared with the listeners several keys to building winning remote sales teams including how he dealt with culture and connectedness as well as some of his unique approaches to meetings, sales development, sales operations, and rewards and incentives for remote teams. For anyone looking to take this approach to building a sales team we hope you enjoy it.
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